Thursday, November 08, 2007


I'm starting a new scarf. Whenever I finish a knitting project, I feel kind of bereft. So I wanted something new - and hopefully relaxing. Unfortunately, this isn't shaping up that way. It's crochet, which I thought would be a breeze, but it's full of color changing mayhem. Also, there's a right side and a wrong side. I should have realized that was a bad sign. I'm doing pretty well, aside from the yarn twisting like mad. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but it looks pretty. Hopefully I won't lose my marbles and tear it all apart before it starts looking like something wearable.

Next time, maybe I should be less ambitious. But I've always wanted to make one of those hood/scarves. One of those could be mighty handy in the coming months...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


T and I went to storytime at the library today. This fall, he has only made it through the entirety of storytime once. He always wants to leave about 5 minutes after we get there. Of course, I usually get to the library pretty late, and he doesn't get time to wander and check things out. So today, we got to the library at 9:40 and wandered around. He was so good during storytime. The librarian always displays books on a table, and he went right up and pointed at A You're Adorable, which he knows from Grandma's house. The librarian read it especially for him, and then she did another one I'd never seen before, based on a song from Guys & Dolls - I Love You A Bushel and a Peck. It was adorable. And then T sang along and did the motions to "Ram Sam Sam!" First time I've heard him do that.

Of course, this just fits right in with what I've been noticing for a long time about T-Man. He responds to music like nothing else. He's always loved Here Come the ABCs by They Might Be Giants, and Dog Train by Sandra Boynton. We're pretty excited about giving him Here Come the 123s, Philadelphia Chickens, and Rhinoceros Tap in the coming months.

But I've found a bunch of board books based on songs at the library, too. They're some of our favorites to read before bed: "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Down By the Bay" from Raffi are both big hits; he also loves "Hush Little Baby" by Marla Frazee.

He loves books and being read to, A LOT, but the music just wins him over. I think he gets it from me. =P

Gift-giving fun

I have always loved Christmas and birthday celebrations. My family never made a huge deal out of them as a kid, so I really get excited now that I can make a big deal out of them for T-Man. I get so into it, actually, that I tend to be more excited to watch him open his gifts than to open my own. (Not that he has actually managed to open a gift on his own. He might be there in time for his birthday.) With Christmas and his birthday coming up, I am getting very excited about T-Man's gifts.

For his main birthday gift, we bought him a whole set of play food. We also got him a bunch of cooking things: pots & pans, a colander, measuring stuff, utensils. Today I found a little chef's hat, too. Naturally, I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing - I love to cook myself, and my only sadness about the whole thing is that he's much to young to cook with me. We tried it with the cookies the other day, and it wasn't a disaster or anything, he just doesn't get it yet.

For Christmas, I just picked up the Play-Doh creativity center. It's a neat little desk with cool molds and cutting tools, extractors, and the like. Also, it came with a free 24-pack of Play-Doh. Just picking up the boxes at the store brought back memories of playing with Play-Doh when I was little. I don't think we had Play-Doh very often, but I do remember having a lot of fun with it. One cool part of the creativity center is that the top try has a bunch of built-in molds, and the bottom part is a massive storage container for all that Play-Doh and those cool tools.

We're not the kind of parents to really spoil our kid and buy him anything he even glances at twice. We buy him cool toys second-hand sometimes, and we buy him things we think any kid should have (last year, we got him a wagon 'just because'). But we don't just go out all the time and buy him new toys to play with. After all, he's taking over our living room with his toys as it is. He's definitely not lacking in that department. I was a little concerned about adding more toys to that amount, actually. But I'm feeling better about it now. (And planning to play with that Play-Doh, just as soon as he gets it for Christmas.)

So, here's my dilemma. How do I wait a month and a half to watch him open it?

And yes, in case you're wondering, I have most of my Christmas shopping done. I think there are two more gifts I need to pick up (one being an exchange that we haven't yet picked names for), and my husband hasn't done anything much, but that's his concern. Also, I have some really cool handmade gifts that are either all done or mostly done. I do have a scrapbook gift I need to get started on...

You may be cringing to yourself, but I like to plan gifts ahead of time. It's so much fun when you think of or find the perfect thing, and I love thinking about the joy each gift will bring.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning, Oh What a Beautiful Day!

It's been a good day, I'm happy to say, even in spite of the gray skies. T and I have had a quiet morning. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast; we watched Sesame Street (as much as I get tired of Elmo, I love that tricycle song!); I worked on my cross-stitch project while he was engrossed with Cookie and Elmo; he "helped" (mostly watched) as I mixed up the cutout cookie dough, and then helped me pound it flat with a rolling pin before chilling (this was by far his favorite part). We traced his hands a couple of times to make turkeys, which I finished off with legs and comb and beak and he mostly scribbled on. We made one for each set of grandparents. It was grand. And he may be learning his colors; he guessed red and yellow correctly. We had lunch, rolled out the cookie dough, and then cut out and baked cookies. Since he mostly wanted to eat the dough, and I'm hugely paranoid about him getting sick from raw eggs, he didn't get to help too much with that, unfortunately. But we did talk about leaves and pumpkins and sunflowers and turkeys, some of the many cutters we used. We read some stories, and then I cleaned up the kitchen.

Here's the only let-down of the morning: my first disappointment from the King Arthur Flour books. To be fair, it is my fault. I read through the recipe notes (for King Arthur's Special Roll-Out Sugar Cookies) and the ingredients, then scanned through the recipe before beginning. But somehow I failed to absorb that the recipe, if rolled thinly, would produce crisp cookies, and if slightly thicker, crunchy cookies. Now, here's the problem: I'm not a huge fan of crunchy cookies, and crispy cookies might as well be dog biscuits, as far as I'm concerned. Well, as I'm not very consistent in my rolling thickness, I ended up with a mixture of crispy and crunchy. Sigh. However, all is not lost. I think that I'll be mixing up a batch of buttercream frosting this afternoon. I have rarely met a non-burnt crunchy sugar cookie that could not be much improved and softened with the addition of icing. And, really, I'd eat anything with icing on it.

Goal for the afternoon: library and bubbles, and then delicious roast chicken with potatoes, biscuits, and green beans for dinner. We may skip the park, as it's chilly and gray, but we'll see what Dad wants to do about that.

Book Recommendation: The Knitting Circle

I just finished a book called The Knitting Circle, by Ann Hood. It's the (semi-autobiographical) story of a woman whose only child, a little girl named Stella, dies suddenly at the age of five. This book blew me away. I have never suffered the loss of a child, thank God, and I hope I never will. But I could feel this woman's grief; I could understand her paralyzing fears and inability to move on with her life.

On my better days, I hope that I'm as good a mom as the character in this book. I wish that I could say that every day was a good day; but this book makes me realize what I take for granted: all those little moments that are tiny gifts from God. The way my son smiles and giggles when you tickle him, the way he studies things when he's absorbed, the way he dances, the way he gets so excited to see someone come in, or to go outside and take a walk. His determination that every drink he's given should be juice. The way he clutches his Bear, and the way he sleeps, sprawled.

I have a to-do list on my fridge, and I never get to everything I want to do. For the past few weeks, it's been a struggle for me because I haven't felt well. I get tired easily. But tomorrow, here's my to-do list: Bake cookies (let T help, even if he needs a bath afterwards). Walk to the park and the library. Run around outside and blow bubbles. Trace our hands and make turkeys out of them. Make copies for the grandparents. Read to him whenever he asks.

The Knitting Circle is a good book. Hard to read, but truthful, and though there are some sad endings, there are also happy ones. Oh, and there's lots of knitting. (As if you hadn't guessed.)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Better be Gryffindor!

I'm so happy with how this scarf turned out. And it looks so cute on him! Whee!

Picture updates

New pictures posted on flickr, as promised. There are a couple cute Halloween snaps, and the rest are fairly random. T has such cute clothes. I wish I loved my clothing half as much as I love his.

My favorite color is NOT pink

The Gryffindor scarf is finished, fringe and all. I'll try to post some pics this weekend. many things to do this weekend! Things sure pile up on me when I'm not feeling well. Thankfully, I seem to be fully recovered, although I'm a bit concerned that I may have pinkeye. My left eye is rather violently pink.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Foo Foo

Tonight was Halloween, and T went out trick-or-treating for the first time. He was dressed as a bunny, and since bunnies don't really make any easily recognizable noise, when T sees bunnies he says "foo foo." As in Little Bunny Foo Foo.

So tonight, T donned a little bunny outfit and wandered down the street with Dad, clutching his teddy bear and a little cloth pumpkin bag. I wish I knew what he thought of it all; it's definitely not a normal kind of activity for him.

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping down the sidewalk
Scooping up the Snickers bars
And dropping them in his bag.

Under the Weather

It's hard to post when you don't feel like doing anything. I'm starting to feel better now, but my to-do list for tomorrow is atrocious. Days like that, I wish I had a personal shopper, or a maid. Both would be nice, actually. On the upside, I've got two projects that are about 95% complete, and if I get a chance in the next few days, that'll be a few more things off the list. The Gryffindor scarf is one of them; not surprisingly (since it's for an almost-two-year-old), it works up very quickly. I've decided to fringe it, despite my dislike for fringe in general, mostly because I think it will look nice.

Also on the docket: going outside. No rain forecast, so hopefully T and I will get a chance to run around for awhile.